(Fonte: Lattes)
Índice h a partir de 2011
Projetos de Pesquisa
Unidades Organizacionais
PAHC, Hospital das Clínicas, Faculdade de Medicina

Resultados de Busca

Agora exibindo 1 - 10 de 25
  • bookPart
    Cuidados com a pele e feridas
    (2018) FRANCK, Ednalda Maria; MATUO, Carla Mye
  • bookPart
    Orientações importantes ao paciente e ao familiar na alta hospitalar
    (2018) RIBEIRO, Luciene; FRANCK, Ednalda Maria; POLASTRINI, Rita Tiziana Verardo
  • bookPart
    A equipe multiprofissional na pandemia - novas formas de atuação, antigos desafios
    (2021) FRANCK, Ednalda Maria; JALES, Sumatra Melo da Costa Pereira; SANTI, Daniel Battacini Dei; CAVALCANTE, Luciana Suelly Barros; SILVA, Maria Luiza Ferreira da
  • bookPart
    (2019) CARVALHO, Ricardo Tavares de; ROCHA, Juraci Aparecida; FRANCK, Ednalda Maria
  • bookPart
    Cuidados com a pele e ferida
    (2023) FRANCK, Ednalda Maria
  • bookPart
    Cuidados com feridas neoplásticas
    (2018) ANGELO, Maria Fernanda Ferreira; FRANCK, Ednalda Maria
  • bookPart
    (2022) TANAKA, Livia; FRANCK, Ednalda Maria
  • article 5 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Development, validation and application of clinical simulation scenarios for assessment of stomatherapy specialists
    (2021) ALMEIDA, Angelica Olivetto de; DANTAS, Sonia Regina Perez Evangelista; PAULA, Maria Angela Boccara de; SILVA, Juliany Lino Gomes; FRANCK, Ednalda Maria; OLIVEIRA-KUMAKURA, Ana Railka de Souza
    Objectives: to build and validate three clinical simulation scenarios and report the application with candidates for the specialist's degree in stomatherapy. Methods: methodological study, building three scenarios and evaluation checklists; content validation with judges, using content validity index and Modified Kappa Coefficient; pre-test and application. Results: scenarios built based on nursing care for: 1. insufficiency and venous ulcer; 2. demarcation of intestinal stomia; and 3. Clean intermittent catheterization. In the content validation of the 24 items appreciated, 83%, 80%, and 92% were validated without change. In the pre-test, the objectives and checklists were adjusted. In the application, to standardize the evaluation, actors and evaluators were trained previously, and each candidate passed the three stations. Conclusions: scenarios built and with validated content, based on evidence and covering the three areas of stomatherapy. The pre-test allowed for adjustments in the scenarios, and the candidates achieved the expected objectives.
  • bookPart
    Dimensionamento de pessoal em unidade de cuidados paliativos
    (2022) BRASIL, Márcia Cossermelli Cana Dias; FRANCK, Ednalda Maria
  • bookPart
    Reunião de família: ferramenta para a construção do plano de cuidados
    (2019) CAVALCANTE, Luciana Suelly Barros; COSTA, Francimar Felipa da Silva; FRANCK, Ednalda Maria