Trophic effects of adipose derived stem cells on Langerhans islets viability - Review

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TRANSPLANTATION REVIEWS, v.29, n.3, p.121-126, 2015
Projetos de Pesquisa
Unidades Organizacionais
Langerhans islets transplantation has been proposed to provide an endogenous source of insulin in Type I diabetes. However, the hypoxic stress and the receptor's immune reaction suffered by the implants cause them to fail in sustaining the insulin production along the time. Experimental studies have shown that adipose derived stem cells (ADSCs) can secrete cytokines that activate free radical scavengers, antioxidants and chaperone heat/shock proteins leading to reduction of apoptosis in damaged tissues. Therefore, using the PubMed database, we reviewed the experimental studies that investigated the trophic effects of ADSCs on Langerhans islets viability, in vitro and in vivo, from 2009 to 2014. We excluded articles that investigated the effects of other types of mesenchymal stem cells on beta-cell survival as well articles that worked in the differentiation of ADSCs into insulin producing cells. The analysis of the experiments revealed that exposure of islets to ADSCs in vitro, even for a short period of time, can enhance islet cell viability and function. In vivo studies also corroborated the trophic effects of ADSCs leading to the improvement of islet function and reduction of the number of the islets required for controlling the receptor's glucose levels. This review can contribute to guide future experiments loolcing for a long term diabetes treatment employing ADSC trophic effects for the enhancement of transplanted Langerhans islet viability and functioning.
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