The role of interleukin-6, endothelins, and apoptotic genes in small bowel transplantation, in a swine model of ischemia and reperfusion injury

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PEDIATRIC TRANSPLANTATION, v.15, n.6, p.617-627, 2011
Projetos de Pesquisa
Unidades Organizacionais
IRI is closely related to sepsis in ITx setting. Complete understanding of the mechanisms involved in IRI development may improve outcomes. Ortothopic ITx without immunosuppression was performed in order to characterize IRI-associated mucosal damage. Twenty pigs underwent ITx. Two groups were assigned to different CI times: G1: 90 min and, G2: 180 min. Euro-Collins was used as preservation solution. Jejunal fragments were collected at donor laparotomy, 30 min, and 3 days after reperfusion. IRI assessment involved: histopathologic analysis, quantification of MPO-positive cells through immunohistochemical studies, quantification of epithelial apoptotic cells using TUNEL staining, and quantification of IL-6, ET-1, Bak, and Bcl-XL genes expression by RT-PCR. Neutrophilic infiltration increased in a similar fashion in both groups, but lasted longer in G2. Apoptosis detected by TUNEL staining increased and anti-apoptotic gene Bcl-XL expression decreased significantly in G1, 3 days after surgery. Endothelin-1 and IL-6 genes expression increased 30 min after the procedure and returned to baseline 3 days after surgery. In conclusion, IL-6 and ET-1 are involved precociously in the development of intestinal IRI. Apoptosis was more frequently detected in G1 grafts by TUNEL-staining and by RT-PCR.
intestinal transplantation, solid organ transplantation, endothelin, animal
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