Human sapovirus GI.2 and GI.3 from children with acute gastroenteritis in northern Brazil

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CILLI, Audrey
LUCHS, Adriana
LEAL, Elcio
MILAGRES, Flavio Augusto de Padua
TELES, Maria da Aparecida Rodrigues
LOBATO, Marcia Cristina Alves Brito Sayao
CHAGAS, Rogerio Togisaki das
Autor de Grupo de pesquisa
MEMORIAS DO INSTITUTO OSWALDO CRUZ, v.114, article ID UNSP e180574, 4p, 2019
Projetos de Pesquisa
Unidades Organizacionais
Human sapoviruses (HSaV) are considered important causative agents of acute gastroenteritis in humans worldwide. However, knowledge of the genetic characteristics of the whole genome of HSaV in Brazil is limited. Here we report the complete genome sequences of six HSaVs GI.2 and two GI.3 strains obtained from children with acute gastroenteritis in the Northern region of Brazil. Next generation sequencing was used to obtain the full genome and molecular characterization of the genome was performed. Phylogenetic analysis of the genome was also performed. Only one complete HSaV GI.2 genome characterization in the country precedes that of the present study. This is the first complete genome sequence of genotype GI.3 in Brazil. The data obtained in this investigation can contribute to the augmentation of the database on the molecular diversity of HSaVs strains circulating in Brazil, and to the improvement of current typing protocols.
Caliciviridae, sapovirus, gastroenteritis, genotypes, deep sequencing
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