An intervention to reduce neuropsychiatric symptoms and caregiver burden in dementia: Preliminary results from a randomized trial of the tailored activity program-outpatient version

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INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY, v.34, n.9, Special Issue, p.1301-1307, 2019
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Objective To evaluate the efficacy of the tailored activity program-outpatient version (TAP-O) and to reduce neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) in patients with dementia and caregiver burden compared with a control group (psychoeducation intervention). Methods Twenty-one persons with dementia and their caregivers were recruited and randomized. The intervention group received TAP-O, designed for outpatients with dementia and their caregivers. TAP-O consisted of eight sessions in which an occupational therapist assessed the patient's abilities and interests; prescribed tailored activities; and educated caregivers about dementia, NPS, and how to implement meaningful activities in the daily routine. The control group received eight sessions of a psychoeducation intervention about dementia and NPS. Results Compared with controls, patients receiving TAP-O had a significant decrease in hallucination (P = 0.04), agitation (P = 0.03), anxiety (P = 0.02), aggression (P = 0.01), sleep disorder (P = 0.02), aberrant motor behavior (P = 0.02), and in caregiver burden (P = 0.003). Conclusions Findings suggest that TAP-O may be an effective nonpharmacological strategy to reduce NPS of outpatients with dementia and to minimize caregiver burden.
caregiver burden, dementia, family caregiving, neuropsychiatric behaviors, nonpharmacologic intervention, occupational therapy
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