Oral mucosal manifestations in some genodermatoses: correlation with cutaneous lesions

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LOURENCO, Silvia Vanessa
Autor de Grupo de pesquisa
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY, v.23, n.5, p.581-591, 2013
Projetos de Pesquisa
Unidades Organizacionais
The clinical picture of several genetic skin diseases may include the presence of oral mucosal lesions. These manifestations, however, have not been granted much attention in most dermatological publications. In this article, we fully review the oral mucosal lesions of tuberous sclerosis, dyskeratosis congenita, lipoidoproteinosis, Cowden disease, Darier's disease and pachyonychya congenita and compare these with their respective cutaneous lesions. Some dental aspects are discussed as well. This unifying approach may allow a better understanding of these oral lesions, avoiding obscure nomenclature and classification.
oral lesions, tuberous sclerosis, lipoidoproteinosis, Cowden disease, Darier's disease, pachyonychya congenita
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