Externalizing disorders and substance use: empirically derived subtypes in a population-based sample of adults

dc.contributorSistema FMUSP-HC: Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP) e Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP
dc.contributor.authorRODGERS, Stephanie
dc.contributor.authorMUELLER, Mario
dc.contributor.authorROESSLER, Wulf
dc.contributor.authorCASTELAO, Enrique
dc.contributor.authorPREISIG, Martin
dc.contributor.authorAJDACIC-GROSS, Vladeta
dc.description.abstractAttention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), conduct disorder (CD), and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) are common externalizing disorders of childhood. The common effects of these disorders on substance abuse need further investigation. The current study investigated the joint clusters of childhood/adolescence ADHD, CD, and ODD, and their influence on substance abuse/dependence in a population-based sample of adults. The data were drawn from the PsyCoLaus study (n = 3,720) conducted in Lausanne, Switzerland. The population-based sample included 238 subjects meeting criteria for ADHD/ODD/CD diagnoses before the age of 15. Latent class analyses (LCA) were performed to derive comorbidity subtypes, which were subsequently characterized with respect to psychosocial correlates and substance use. The best fit in LCAs was achieved with three latent classes: an ADHD subtype (35.7 %); an externalizing multimorbid subtype (33.6 %) involving ODD, ADHD, and CD; and a third subtype with CD (30.7 %). The CD subtype showed the highest association with substance use. Apart from this, the externalizing multimorbid subtype was also significantly linked to substance use. The ADHD subtype had only elevated frequencies for alcohol dependence in comparison with subjects that had no history of ADHD, ODD, and CD during childhood or adolescence. Finally, important interactions between subtypes and sex were observed with regard to substance use. This study provides evidence showing that subtyping the externalizing disorders, ADHD, ODD and CD, along their comorbidity patterns leads to important differences regarding substance use. This could have implications for the etiology, prevention, and treatment of substance use disorders.
dc.description.sponsorshipSwiss National Science Foundation [105993, 118308, 122661, 139468]
dc.description.sponsorshipGlaxoSmithKline Clinical Genetics
dc.identifier.citationSOCIAL PSYCHIATRY AND PSYCHIATRIC EPIDEMIOLOGY, v.50, n.1, p.7-17, 2015
dc.relation.ispartofSocial Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology
dc.rights.holderCopyright SPRINGER HEIDELBERG
dc.subjectAttention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
dc.subjectConduct disorder
dc.subjectOppositional defiant disorder
dc.subjectLatent class analysis
dc.subject.otherattention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
dc.subject.otherdeficit-hyperactivity disorder
dc.subject.othercardiovascular risk-factors
dc.subject.othertest-retest reliability
dc.subject.othergenetic-studies digs
dc.subject.otherconduct disorder
dc.subject.otherdiagnostic interview
dc.subject.otherindependent predictors
dc.titleExternalizing disorders and substance use: empirically derived subtypes in a population-based sample of adults
dc.type.categoryoriginal article
hcfmusp.author.externalRODGERS, Stephanie:Zurich Univ Hosp Psychiat, Dept Psychiat Psychotherapy & Psychosomat, CH-8021 Zurich, Switzerland
hcfmusp.author.externalMUELLER, Mario:Zurich Univ Hosp Psychiat, Dept Psychiat Psychotherapy & Psychosomat, CH-8021 Zurich, Switzerland
hcfmusp.author.externalCASTELAO, Enrique:CHU Vaudois, Dept Psychiat, Lausanne, Switzerland
hcfmusp.author.externalPREISIG, Martin:CHU Vaudois, Dept Psychiat, Lausanne, Switzerland
hcfmusp.author.externalAJDACIC-GROSS, Vladeta:Zurich Univ Hosp Psychiat, Dept Psychiat Psychotherapy & Psychosomat, CH-8021 Zurich, Switzerland
hcfmusp.contributor.author-fmusphcWULF ROSSLER
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