Insights into the evolutionary history of the most skilled tool-handling platyrrhini monkey:<i> Sapajus</i><i> libidinosus</i> from the Serra da Capivara National Park

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LIMA, Thaynara
FAM, Bibiana
TAVARES, Gustavo Medina
FANTI, Lucca
VISCARDI, Lucas Henriques
GENETICS AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, v.46, n.3, suppl.1, article ID e20231065, 11p, 2023
Projetos de Pesquisa
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Sapajus libidinosus members of the Pedra Furada group, living in the Serra da Capivara National Park, use stone tools in a wider variety of behaviors than any other living animal, except humans. To rescue the evolutionary history of the Caatinga S. libidinosus and identify factors that may have contributed to the emergence and maintenance of their tool-use culture, we conducted fieldwork seasons to obtain biological samples of these capuchin monkeys. Using CYTB sequences, we show a discrete but constant population growth from the beginning of the Holocene to the present, overlapping the emergence of the Caatinga biome. Our habitat suitability reconstruction reports the presence of plants whose hard fruits, seeds, or roots are processed by capuchins using tools. The S. libidinosus individuals in the Caatinga were capable of dynamically developing and maintaining their autochthonous culture thanks to: a) cognitive capacity to generate and execute innovation under selective pressure; b) tolerance favoring learning and cultural inheritance; c) an unknown genetic repertoire that underpins the adaptive traits; d) a high degree of terrestriality; e) presence and abundance of natural resources, which makes some places ""hot spots"" for innovation, and cultural diversification within a relatively short time.
CYTB, diversity, demography, primates
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