Efeitos do alongamento passivo no desempenho de séries múltiplas no treinamento de força

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LOPES, Charles Ricardo
SOARES, Enrico Gori
SANTOS, Andre Luis Rodrigues
AOKI, Marcelo Saldanha
Projetos de Pesquisa
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Introduction: Stretching exercises have been related to a performance deficit on strength-dependent activities. However, little is known about its effect on multiple sets of strength training. Objective: To determine the effect of an extensive stretching protocol on the performance of multiple sets and soreness in strength training. Methods: The sample was composed by 12 trained-men, experienced in strength training. The protocol consisted of three sessions. The first session was used as a familiarization and load determination to 10 maximum repetitions (T10RM). The second and third conditions were randomized between subjects, and the bench press exercise (BP) was evaluated without previous stretching protocol (SEMA), and with previous stretching protocol (COMA). The stretching protocol consisted of six sets of 45 sec of stretch with 15 sec of resting intervals to the pectoralis major muscle. The stretching intensity was kept between 70 and 90% of the subjective point of discomfort. The local soreness was evaluated before and after exercise by a brief stretching and palpation. The Analysis of Variance ANOVA (2x6) was used to compare the maximum number of repetitions. One-way ANOVA was used to compare the load of the first set of each condition (T10RM/SEMA/COMA). The Student t-test was used to compare the total load and soreness. Results: A decrease on maximum number of repetitions along the sets was observed in both conditions, without differences between them, for the load of the first set, total load and soreness. Conclusion: The number of repetitions in multiple sets was reduced in the same magnitude in the conditions with and without previous stretching; besides, it does not alter the total load or soreness.
exercise, resistance training, athletic performance
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