(Fonte: Lattes)
Índice h a partir de 2011
Projetos de Pesquisa
Unidades Organizacionais
Instituto Central, Hospital das Clínicas, Faculdade de Medicina - Médico
LIM/55 - Laboratório de Urologia, Hospital das Clínicas, Faculdade de Medicina

Resultados de Busca

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  • conferenceObject
  • article 1 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Single-stage Abdominoplasty Using Groin Flaps Without Osteotomies: Management of Exstrophy-epispadias Complex
    (2018) GIRON, Amilcar Martins; MELLO, Marcos Figueiredo; BERJEAUT, Ricardo Haidar; MACHADO, Marcos Giannetti; SILVA, Gabriel Carvalho dos Anjos; CEZARINO, Bruno Nicolino; OLIVEIRA, Lorena Marcalo; LOPES, Roberto Iglesias; DENES, Francisco Tibor
    BACKGROUND The optimal treatment for children born with exstrophy-epispadia complex is still a matter of AND OBJECTIVE debate.(1,2,3) We demonstrate the Single-Stage Abdominoplasty using Groin Flap technique to close the abdominal wall of children with classic bladder exstrophy (CBE) without osteotomy neither radical soft tissue mobilization. Advantages over current techniques are less risk of penile tissue loss and avoidance of osteotomies. MATERIAL AND METHODS Abdominal wall repair consists in using the hypogastric skin, rectus, and obliquus externus abdom inalis muscle fascial flaps. These groin flaps are rotated medially resulting in a very strong abdominal wall support. Groin flaps are made of rectus anterior fascia rotated medially, flipped over, and sutured with Prolene sutures to close the defect. By rotating the fascial flaps medially, complete reinforcement of the abdominal wall to the level of the pubic bone is achieved. This permits abdominal closure maintenance without tension. RESULTS Groin flap was applied to 128 patients with CBE referenced from all over the country. Most of these patients returned to their home areas making difficult their follow up. However, we have 44 cases that have regular clinical visits. Mean follow-up was 10.3 4.5 years (2 years 8 months-16 years). Successful closure was achieved in 43 patients (97.7%) as a single procedure; one patient had a complete wound dehiscence and needed another reconstruction (2.2%). Four patients (9.1%) presented abdominal hernias that needed surgical management. When continence is evaluated, we present similar literature rates (60%).(4) CONCLUSION Abdominal reconstruction using Groin flaps has advantages over the traditional approaches to CBE. It reduces the surgical steps and facilitates the closure of the abdominal wall without the need of osteotomies and consequent immobilization during the postoperative period. It is feasible at any age and can be also very useful as a salvage technique even after previous failed procedures. Finally, it minimizes the number of surgeries. (C) 2018 Elsevier Inc.
  • bookPart
    Escroto agudo
    (2019) CEZARINO, Bruno Nicolino; OLIVEIRA, Lorena Marçalo; MESQUITA, José Luis Borges
  • article 9 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Diagnostic work-up and laparoscopic correction of an ectopic ureter
    (2015) CEZARINO, B. N.; LOPES, R. I.; OLIVEIRA, L. M.; DENES, F. T.; SROUGI, M.
    Introduction A duplex renal collecting system is a common congenital anomaly in children. Continuous dribbling (especially if after the toilet-training period) should raise suspicion of the presence of an ectopic ureter, which is most often associated with ureteral duplication. This video will demonstrate the complete diagnostic work-up necessary in these cases. Case report A 10-year-old girl presented with continuous dribbling. Ultrasonography and computerized tomography depicted a duplex system on the left side, with the upper pole ureter ectopically inserting into the vaginal cavity and good upper pole renal parenchyma. A careful urethrocystoscopy showed a topic right ureteral orifice and a topic lower pole left ureteral orifice. Retrograde pyelography was performed and displayed normal left lower pole anatomy. A vaginography was performed, which showed reflux to the ectopic ureter. Vaginoscopy clearly identified the ectopic ureteral orifice. A guide wire was introduced through this meatus and retrograde contrast injection confirmed the diagnosis of an ectopic ureter. Results At laparoscopy, a larger upper pole ureter and a normal lower pole ureter on the left side were identified. A termino-lateral ureteroureteral anastomosis was performed. After the procedure, the child reported immediate resolution of urinary dribbling. Conclusion In order to optimize its surgical correction, efforts should be made to appropriate localization of the ectopic ureter.
  • bookPart
    Síndrome de prune belly
    (2021) LOPES, Roberto Iglesias; LUEDY, Felipe Amoedo; CEZARINO, Bruno Nicolino; DéNES, Francisco Tibor
  • article 3 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Laparoscopic hidden incision endoscopic surgery (hides) nephrectomy VS. Traditional laparoscopic nephrectomy: Non-inferior surgical outcomes and better cosmetic results
    (2021) CEZARINO, Bruno Nicolino; LOPES, Roberto Iglesias; BERJEAUT, Ricardo Haidar; DENES, Francisco Tibor
    Introduction The benefits of laparoscopic total nephrectomy in pediatric patients are well established. Traditional Ports placement (TPP) still follows Clayman's classic description: except for the umbilical scar, the other laparoscopic scars are exposed in the abdomen. Advances in robotic surgery permitted the development of HidES (hidden incision endoscopic surgery) technique, to obtain a better final cosmetic aspect with the scars located intraumbilically and in the hypogastric region, in an area easily hidden by underwear. As robotic surgery is related to higher costs and lacks availability, a pure laparoscopic HidES technique was developed. Objectives 1.Evaluate safety and efficacy of pure laparoscopic HidES.2. Compare HidES with TPP nephrectomy series to assess non-inferiority and cosmetic outcomes. Study design Twenty-one pediatric patients with symptomatic poor functioning kidneys (DMSA<10%) underwent HidES nephrectomy. Their intra and post-operative outcomes were recorded prospectively. HidES group was compared to an equivalent group of thirty-two patients who underwent TPP nephrectomy. Results There were no conversions to open surgery in the TPP or HidES groups. There was a significant difference in operative time between HidES (53.4min) and TPP (109.4 min), with p = 0.004 and the mean bleeding volume was 65.5 ml. There was no significant difference in bleeding between HidES (71 ml) and TPP (120 ml) (p = 0.06), no intraoperative complications and no complications above Clavien-Dindo II during the 6-week follow-up. Satisfaction reached 100% in HidES group, whereas in TPP satisfaction was 63% (p = 0.004). Discussion HidES benefit over TPP is to conceal visible scars above underwear, improving cosmetical outcome. A prospective HidES group was compared to a retrospective TPP database due to decreasing number of nephrectomies being performed, which is a limitation of our study. HidES surgeries were performed by pediatric urologists (associate staff) while TPP group surgeries were performed by PGY-5 urological residents assisted by the associate staff, which is a clear limitation and can explain shorter operative times for HidES. During HidES surgeries an improved visualization of the operative field by the inferior trocar positioning was noted, which helps the posterior dissection of renal pedicle. Previous published study comparing robotic TPP and HidES pyeloplasty showed equal results for both groups with cosmetic advantages. Objective satisfaction was assessed with statistically advantage in favor of HidES procedure, consonant with other evidence that supports the benefit of scar location in patient and parental satisfaction. Conclusion HidES nephrectomy proved to be safe, feasible and not inferior to the traditional nephrectomy in experienced hands, with better cosmesis. [GRAPHICS] .
  • article 22 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Reoperative Laparoscopic Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction Repair in Children: Safety and Efficacy of the Technique
    (2017) MOSCARDI, Paulo Renato Marcelo; BARBOSA, Joao Arthur Brunhara Alves; ANDRADE, Hiury Silva; MELLO, Marcos Figueiredo; CEZARINO, Bruno Nicolino; OLIVEIRA, Lorena Marcalo; SROUGI, Miguel; DENES, Francisco Tibor; LOPES, Roberto Iglesias
    Purpose: Failure after pyeloplasty for ureteropelvic junction obstruction in children may occur in up to 10% of cases. Therapeutic options include Double-J (R) stent placement, endoscopic treatment and reoperation. Laparoscopic and robotic reoperative modalities seem safe and efficacious, although pediatric series are limited in the literature. We report the largest known series of reoperative laparoscopic ureteropelvic junction obstruction repair in children and compare this approach to primary laparoscopic pyeloplasty. Materials and Methods: We reviewed all children undergoing laparoscopic pyeloplasty at a single institution from 2004 to 2015. Reoperative laparoscopic ureteropelvic junction obstruction repair was compared to primary pyeloplasty. Groups were analyzed regarding demographics, operative time, complications, length of hospital stay and success, defined by improvement of symptoms, ultrasound and renogram. Results: We identified 11 cases of reoperation (8 redo pyeloplasties and 3 ureterocalycostomies) and 71 primary pyeloplasties. Groups were not different in age, gender or weight. Median followup was 37 months. Median time between primary pyeloplasty and reoperation was 34 months. Median operative time was 205 minutes for the reoperative group and 200 for primary pyeloplasty (p = 0.98). Length of stay was longer in the reoperative group (p = 0.049), although no major complications were recorded in this group. All reoperative cases and 96% of primary pyeloplasty cases remained asymptomatic following surgery (p = 0.99). Postoperative improvement was similar for both groups on ultrasound (90% for reoperation vs 92% for primary pyeloplasty, p = 0.99) and renogram (80% vs 88%, p = 0.6). Conclusions: Laparoscopy seems to be safe and effective for management of failed pyeloplasty in children. Based on our data, reoperation is as safe and effective as primary pyeloplasty.
  • article 7 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Transperitoneal laparoscopic pyeloplasty in children: does upper urinary tract anomalies affect surgical outcomes?
    (2018) BRUNHARA, Joao Arthur; MOSCARDI, Paulo Renato Marcelo; MELLO, Marcos Figueiredo; ANDRADE, Hiury Silva; CARVALHO, Paulo Afonso de; CEZARINO, Bruno Nicolino; DENES, Francisco Tibor; LOPES, Roberto Iglesias
    Objective: To assess the feasibility and outcomes of laparoscopic pyeloplasty in children with complex ureteropelvic junction obstruction (UPJO) and compare to children with iso-lated UPJO without associated urinary tract abnormalities. Material and Methods: Medical records of 82 consecutive children submitted to trans-peritoneal laparoscopic pyeloplasty in a 12-year period were reviewed. Eleven cases were con-sidered complex, consisting of atypical anatomy including horseshoe kidneys in 6 patients, pelvic kidneys in 3 patients, and a duplex collecting system in 2 patients. Patients were di-vided into 2 groups: normal anatomy (group 1) and complex cases (group 2). Demographics, perioperative data, outcomes and complications were recorded and analyzed. Results: Mean age was 8.9 years (0.5-17.9) for group 1 and 5.9 years (0.5-17.2) for group 2, p=0.08. The median operative time was 200 minutes (180-230) for group 1 and 203 minutes (120-300) for group 2, p=0.15. Major complications (Clavien =3) were 4 (5.6%) in group 1 and 1 (6.3%) in group 2, p=0.52. No deaths or early postoperative complications such as: urinoma or urinary leakage or bleeding, occurred. The success rate for radiologic improvement and flank pain improvement was comparable between the two groups. Re-garding hydronephrosis, significant improvement was present in 62 patients (93.4%) of group 1 and 10 cases (90.9%) of group 2, p=0.99. The median hospital stay was 4 days (IQR 3-4) for group 1 and 4.8 days (IQR 3-6) for group 2, p=0.27. Conclusions: Transperitoneal laparoscopic pyeloplasty is feasible and effective for the management of UPJO associated with renal or urinary tract anomalies.
  • bookPart
    Trauma geniturinário
    (2019) CEZARINO, Bruno Nicolino; CURY, José; GUGLIELMETTI, Giuliano B.; COELHO, Rafael Ferreira; SROUGI, Miguel