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  • article 7 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    A Systematic Review of Translation and Cross-Cultural Adaptation of Instruments for the Selection of Assistive Technologies
    (2018) BARROSO, Barbara Iansa de Lima; GALVAO, Claudia Regina Cabral; SILVA, Luiz Bueno da; LANCMAN, Selma
    This article presents a systematic review, for which research was carried out in the following electronic databases: Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, and ERIC, in which several articles were found (n = 560). The results were analyzed based on the information obtained in the titles and abstracts, and the remaining studies were read in full for the analysis. The aim of this article was to identify the different questionnaires used for selecting items of assistive technology, describe and evaluate the translation and transcultural adaptation procedures, characterize the thematic domains of each resource, evaluate the cultural adaptation process adopted, and describe the psychometric properties. Data extraction and evaluation of the methodological quality of the eligible studies were performed in accordance with the COSMIN verification list with a checklist of 4 points. The publication of systematic review studies and others that synthesize research results is fundamental to provide support for change in the behavior of professionals in the field of health, and not only to access the available literature but also to incorporate this information into daily clinical practice. The results of this review could provide subsidies that would enable the planning, execution, identification, and choice of specific instruments for a determined study within the context of assistive technology, with a view to helping researchers and health professionals in clinical and investigatory practices.
  • article 7 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Mental health: Professional rehabilitation and the return to work - A systematic review
    (2021) LANCMAN, Selma; BARROSO, Barbara Iansa de Lima
    BACKGROUND: The problem of illnesses, sick leave and the necessary return to work and permanence at work has been determining the development of different protocols and professional rehabilitation programs in different countries. OBJECTIVE: We sought to identify articles that address programs for professional rehabilitation and the return to work of people laid off due to mental health problems, and to verify the results of professional rehabilitation programs and the follow-up processes for such return. METHOD: A systematic review was performed according to the criteria of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyzes (PRISMA). The serial search of the articles was carried out in the electronic databases: Web of Science, MEDLINE/PubMed and Scopus. The variations in the descriptors served to find a greater range of significant results for the research. RESULTS: In total, 2,306 articles were found. Another two articles that met the inclusion criteria were located through manual searches, adding up to a total of 2,308. Applying the exclusion criteria resulted in a final data set of 47 peer-reviewed articles. CONCLUSIONS: The issues involving return to work and permanence in work were complex and multifaceted in the research articles studied. Recovery from Common Mental Disorders (CMDs) is a major cause of long-term sick leave and the granting of disability benefits. Many people with these diagnoses remain employed; however, further studies are needed with women, workers with fragile relationships, and immigrants.
  • bookPart
    Intervenção do terapeuta ocupacional em saúde e trabalho
    (2021) ALVES, Gisele Beatriz de Oliveira; BARROSO, Bárbara Iansã de Lima; ALONSO, Carolina; RODRIGUES, Daniela da Silva; NOGUEIRA, Lilian de Fatima Zanoni; SOUZA, Marina Batista Chaves Azevedo de; OLIVEIRA, Priscilla Viégas Barreto de; LANCMAN, Selma; SILVA, Talita Naiara Rossi da
  • bookPart
    Intervenção do terapeuta ocupacional em saúde e trabalho
    (2021) ALVES, Gisele Beatriz de Oliveira; BARROSO, Bárbara Iansã de Lima; ALONSO, Carolina; RODRIGUES, Daniela da Silva; NOGUEIRA, Lilian de Fatima Zanoni; SOUZA, Marina Batista Chaves Azevedo de; OLIVEIRA, Priscila Viégas Barreto de; LANCMAN, Selma; SILVA, Talita Naiara Rossi da