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  • article 9 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Understanding Sabia virus infections (Brazilian mammarenavirus)
    (2022) NASTRI, Ana Catharina; DUARTE-NETO, Amaro Nunes; CASADIO, Luciana Vilas Boas; SOUZA, William Marciel de; CLARO, Ingra M.; MANULI, Erika R.; SELEGATTO, Gloria; SALOMA, Matias C.; FIALKOVITZ, Gabriel; TABORDA, Mariane; ALMEIDA, Bianca Leal de; MAGRI, Marcello C.; GUEDES, Ana Rubia; NETO, Laura Vieira Perdigao; SATAKI, Fatima Mitie; GUIMARAES, Thais; MENDES-CORREA, Maria Cassia; TOZETTO-MENDOZA, Tania R.; FUMAGALLI, Marcilio Jorge; HO, Yeh-Li; SILVA, Camila ALves Maia da; COLETTI, Thais M.; JESUS, Jacqueline Goes de; ROMANO, Camila M.; HILL, Sarah C.; PYBUS, Oliver; PINHO, Joao Renato Rebello; LEDESMA, Felipe Lourenco; CASAL, Yuri R.; KANAMURA, Cristina; ARAUJO, Leonardo Jose Tadeu de; FERREIRA, Camila Santos da Silva; GUERRA, Juliana Mariotti; FIGUEIREDO, Luiz Tadeu Moraes; DOLHNIKOFF, Marisa; FARIA, Nuno R.; SABINO, Ester C.; AVANCINI, Venacio; ALVES, Ferreira; LEVIN, Anna S.
    Background: Only two naturally occurring human Sabi ' a virus (SABV) infections have been reported, and those occurred over 20 years ago. Methods: We diagnosed two new cases of SABV infection using metagenomics in patients thought to have severe yellow fever and described new features of histopathological findings. Results: We characterized clinical manifestations, histopathology and analyzed possible nosocomial transmission. Patients presented with hepatitis, bleeding, neurological alterations and died. We traced twenty-nine hospital contacts and evaluated them clinically and by RT-PCR and neutralizing antibodies. Autopsies uncovered unique features on electron microscopy, such as hepatocyte ""pinewood knot"" lesions. Although previous reports with similar New-World arenavirus had nosocomial transmission, our data did not find any case in contact tracing. Conclusions: Although an apparent by rare, Brazilian mammarenavirus infection is an etiology for acute hemorrhagic fever syndrome. The two fatal cases had peculiar histopathological findings not previously described. The virological diagnosis was possible only by contemporary techniques such as metagenomic assays. We found no subsequent infections when we used serological and molecular tests to evaluate close contacts.
  • article 17 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Sabia Virus-Like Mammarenavirus in Patient with Fatal Hemorrhagic Fever, Brazil, 2020
    (2020) MALTA, Fernanda de Mello; AMGARTEN, Deyvid; NASTRI, Ana Catharina de Seixas Santos; HO, Yeh-Li; CASADIO, Luciana Vilas Boas; BASQUEIRA, Marcela; SELEGATTO, Gloria; CERVATO, Murilo Castro; DUARTE-NETO, Amaro Nunes; HIGASHINO, Hermes Ryoiti; MEDEIROS, Felipe Arthur Faustino; GENDLER, Jose Luiz Pinto Lima; LEVIN, Anna S.; PINHO, Joao Renato Rebello
    New World arenaviruses can cause chronic infection in rodents and hemorrhagic fever in humans. We identified a Sable virus-like mammarenevirus in a patient with fatal hemorrhagic fever from Sao Paulo, Brazil. The virus was detected through virorne enrichment and metagenomic next-generation sequencing technology.
  • article 0 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in three cases of influenza
    (2022) SELEGATTO, Gloria; TURDO, Anna C.; MARCILIO, Izabel; HO, Yeh-Li