A Cloth Facemask Causes No Major Respiratory or Cardiovascular Perturbations During Moderate to Heavy Exercise

dc.contributorSistema FMUSP-HC: Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP) e Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP
dc.contributor.authorGUARDIEIRO, Natalia Mendes
dc.contributor.authorBARRETO, Gabriel
dc.contributor.authorMARTICORENA, Felipe Miguel
dc.contributor.authorOLIVEIRA, Tamires Nunes
dc.contributor.authorOLIVEIRA, Luana Farias de
dc.contributor.authorPINTO, Ana Lucia de Sa
dc.contributor.authorPRADO, Danilo Marcelo Leite do
dc.contributor.authorSAUNDERS, Bryan
dc.contributor.authorGUALANO, Bruno
dc.description.abstractPurpose: Investigate whether a cloth facemask could affect physiological and perceptual responses to exercise at distinct exercise intensities in untrained individuals. Methods: Healthy participants (n = 35; 17 men, age 30 [4] y, and 18 women, age 28 [5] y) underwent a progressive square wave test at 4 intensities: (1) 80% of ventilatory anaerobic threshold; (2) ventilatory anaerobic threshold; (3) respiratory compensation point; and (4) exercise peak (Peak) to exhaustion, 5-minute stages, with or without a triple-layered cloth facemask (Mask or No-Mask). Several physiological and perceptual measures were analyzed. Results: Mask reduced inspiratory capacity at all exercise intensities (P < .0001). Mask reduced respiratory frequency (P = .001) at Peak (-8.3 breaths-min-1; 95% confidence interval [CI], -5.8 to -10.8), respiratory compensation point (-6.9 breaths-min-1; 95% CI, - 4.6 to -9.2), and ventilatory anaerobic threshold (-6.5 breaths-min-1; 95% CI, -4.1 to -8.8), but not at Baseline or 80% of ventilatory anaerobic threshold. Mask reduced tidal volume (P < .0001) only at respiratory compensation point (-0.5 L; 95% CI, - 0.3 to -0.6) and Peak (-0.8 L; 95% CI, -0.6 to -0.9). Shallow breathing index was increased with Mask only at Peak (11.3; 95% CI, 7.5 to 15.1). Mask did not change HR, lactate, ratings of perceived exertion, blood pressure, or oxygen saturation. Conclusions: A cloth facemask reduced time to exhaustion but had no major impact on cardiorespiratory parameters and had a slight but clinically meaningless impact on respiratory variables at higher intensities. Moderate to heavy activity is safe and tolerable for healthy individuals while wearing a cloth facemask. ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT04887714.eng
dc.description.sponsorshipFundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo [2017/13552-2, 2020/12036-3, 2021/05847-8, 2020/04368-6, 2016/50438-0, 2021/06836-0]
dc.description.sponsorshipFaculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Sao Paulo [2020.1.362.5.2]
dc.identifier.citationJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY & HEALTH, v.20, n.1, p.35-44, 2023
dc.relation.ispartofJournal of Physical Activity & Health
dc.rights.holderCopyright HUMAN KINETICS PUBL INCeng
dc.subjectCOVID-19 pandemiceng
dc.subjectoxygen saturationeng
dc.subject.wosPublic, Environmental & Occupational Healtheng
dc.titleA Cloth Facemask Causes No Major Respiratory or Cardiovascular Perturbations During Moderate to Heavy Exerciseeng
dc.type.categoryoriginal articleeng
hcfmusp.author.externalBARRETO, Gabriel:Univ Sao Paulo, Fac Med FMUSP, Sch Phys Educ & Sport, Rheumatol Div,Appl Physiol & Nutr Res Grp, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil
hcfmusp.author.externalMARTICORENA, Felipe Miguel:Univ Sao Paulo, Fac Med FMUSP, Sch Phys Educ & Sport, Rheumatol Div,Appl Physiol & Nutr Res Grp, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil
hcfmusp.author.externalOLIVEIRA, Tamires Nunes:Univ Sao Paulo, Fac Med FMUSP, Sch Phys Educ & Sport, Rheumatol Div,Appl Physiol & Nutr Res Grp, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil
hcfmusp.author.externalOLIVEIRA, Luana Farias de:Univ Sao Paulo, Fac Med FMUSP, Sch Phys Educ & Sport, Rheumatol Div,Appl Physiol & Nutr Res Grp, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil
hcfmusp.author.externalPRADO, Danilo Marcelo Leite do:Univ Sao Paulo, Fac Med FMUSP, Sch Phys Educ & Sport, Rheumatol Div,Appl Physiol & Nutr Res Grp, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil
hcfmusp.contributor.author-fmusphcNATALIA MENDES GUARDIEIRO
hcfmusp.contributor.author-fmusphcANA LUCIA DE SA PINTO
hcfmusp.contributor.author-fmusphcBRYAN SAUNDERS
hcfmusp.contributor.author-fmusphcBRUNO GUALANO
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