Red wine and equivalent oral pharmacological doses of resveratrol delay vascular aging but do not extend life span in rats

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ATHEROSCLEROSIS, v.224, n.1, p.136-142, 2012
Projetos de Pesquisa
Unidades Organizacionais
Objective: To investigate, in male Wistar rats, the effects of long-term moderate red wine (RW) consumption (equivalent to similar to 0.15 mg% resveratrol RS), or RS in low (L, 0.15 mg%) or high (H, 400 mg%) doses in chow. Background: Both RW and RS exhibit cardioprotection. RS extends lifespan in obese rats. It is unclear whether RW consumption or low-dose RS delay vascular aging and prolong life span in the absence of overt risk factors. Methods: Endpoints were aerobic performance, exercise capacity, aging biomarkers (p53,p16,p21, telomere length and telomerase activity in aortic homogenates), vascular reactivity. Data were compared with controls (C) given regular chow. Results: Expressions of p53 decreased similar to 50% similar to with RW and LRS (p < 0.05 vs. C), p16 by similar to 29% with RW (p < 0.05 vs. C) and p21 was unaltered. RW and LRS increased telomere length >6.5-fold vs. C, and telomerase activity increased with LRS and HRS. All treatments increased aerobic capacity (C 32.5 +/- 1.2, RW 38.7 + 1.7, LRS 38.5 + 1.6, HRS 38.3 + 1.8 mlO2 min(-1) kg(-1)), and RW or LRS also improved time of exercise tolerance vs. C (p < 0.05). Endothelium-dependent relaxation improved with all treatments vs. C. Life span, however, was unaltered with each treatment vs. C = 673 +/- 30 days, p = NS. Conclusions: RW and LRS can preserve vascular function indexes in normal rats, although not extending life span. These effects were translated into better aerobic performance and exercise capacity.
Aging, Senescence, Polyphenols, Vascular aging, p53, p16, Red wine, Resveratrol
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