Pre-treatment MRI tumor features and post-treatment mammographic findings: may they contribute to refining the prediction of pathologic complete response in post-neoadjuvant breast cancer patients with radiologic complete response on MRI?

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CHALA, Luciano F.
MANO, Max S.
GEYER, Felipe C.
TORRES, Ulysses S.
MELLO, Giselle Guedes Netto de
EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY, v.32, n.3, p.1663-1675, 2022
Projetos de Pesquisa
Unidades Organizacionais
Purpose Radiologic complete response (rCR) in breast cancer patients after neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) does not necessarily correlate with pathologic complete response (pCR), a marker traditionally associated with better outcomes. We sought to verify if data extracted from two important steps of the imaging workup (tumor features at pre-treatment MRI and post-treatment mammographic findings) might assist in refining the prediction of pCR in post-NAC patients showing rCR. Methods A total of 115 post-NAC women with rCR on MRI (2010-2016) were retrospectively assessed. Pre-treatment MRI (lesion morphology, size, and distribution) and post-treatment mammographic findings (calcification, asymmetry, mass, architectural distortion) were assessed, as well as clinical and molecular variables. Bivariate and multivariate analyses evaluated correlation between such variables and pCR. Post-NAC mammographic findings and their correlation with ductal in situ carcinoma (DCIS) were evaluated using Pearson's correlation. Results Tumor distribution at pre-treatment MRI was the only significant predictive imaging feature on multivariate analysis, with multicentric lesions having lower odds of pCR (p = 0.035). There was no significant association between tumor size and morphology with pCR. Mammographic residual calcifications were associated with DCIS (p = 0.009). The receptor subtype remained as a significant predictor, with HR-HER2 + and triple-negative status demonstrating higher odds of pCR on multivariate analyses. Conclusions Multicentric lesions on pre-NAC MRI were associated with a lower chance of pCR in post-NAC rCR patients. The receptor subtype remained a reliable predictor of pCR. Residual mammographic calcifications correlated with higher odds of malignancy, making the correlation between mammography and MRI essential for surgical planning.
Breast cancer, Magnetic resonance imaging, Mammography, Pathologic complete response, Radiologic complete response
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