Instrument to evaluate the knowledge of patient with cirrhosis on his disease: construction and validity

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BMC GASTROENTEROLOGY, v.21, n.1, article ID 83, 7p, 2021
Projetos de Pesquisa
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BackgroundThe application of measurement instruments is a strategy to evaluate the patient's knowledge about the disease. This study aims to build an instrument that evaluates the patient's knowledge about liver cirrhosis.MethodThis study includes three phases. The first one was the construction of the instrument based on a literature review. In the second phase, five experts were participated in the evaluation of the instrument, to check the validity of the content. Quantitative and qualitative analyzes were made. The tool used was the CVI (Content Validity Index) and it was used the semantic study of the questions. The third phase was the process of the restructuring the instrument.ResultsThe final version of the instrument consisted of 36 questions. The instrument was evaluated in 91.7 by the average CVI and 94.4% by the universal CVI.ConclusionsThe questions are properly structured and clear, therefore, understandable. Thus, the final instrument presented satisfactory content validity, so that, it reached the aim of this study.
Liver cirrhosis, Validation studies, Health education, Surveys and questionnaires knowledge
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