FDG-PET Patterns Predict Amyloid Deposition and Clinical Profile in Corticobasal Syndrome

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MOVEMENT DISORDERS, v.36, n.3, p.651-661, 2021
Projetos de Pesquisa
Unidades Organizacionais
Background Corticobasal syndrome (CBS) is an atypical parkinsonian syndrome related to multiple underlying pathologies. Objective To investigate if individual brain [F-18]fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) patterns could distinguish CBS due to Alzheimer's disease (AD) from other pathologies based on [C-11]Pittsburgh Compound-B (PIB)-PET. Methods Forty-five patients with probable CBS were prospectively evaluated regarding cognitive and movement disorders profile. They underwent FDG-PET and were distributed into groups: likely related to AD (CBS FDG-AD) or likely non-AD (CBS FDG-nonAD) pathology. Thirty patients underwent PIB-PET on a hybrid PET-magnetic resonance imaging equipment to assess their amyloid status. FDG and PIB-PET images were classified individually based on visual and semi-quantitative analysis, blinded to each other. Quantitative group analyses were also performed. Results CBS FDG-AD group demonstrated worse cognitive performances, mostly concerning attention, memory, visuospatial domains, and displayed more myoclonus and hallucinations. The non-AD metabolic group presented more often limb dystonia, ocular motor dysfunction, motor perseveration, and dysarthria. All patients classified as CBS FDG-AD tested positive at PIB-PET compared to 3 of 20 in the non-AD group. The individual FDG-PET classification demonstrated 76.92% of sensitivity, 100% of specificity and positive predictive value and 88.5% of balanced accuracy to detect positive PIB-PET scans. Individuals with positive and negative PIB-PET showed hypometabolism in posterior temporoparietal areas and in thalamus and brainstem, respectively, mainly contralateral to most affected side, disclosing possible metabolic signatures of CBS variants. Conclusion FDG-PET was useful to predict AD and non-AD CBS variants depicting their specific degeneration patterns, different clinical features, and brain amyloid deposition. (c) 2020 International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society
corticobasal syndrome, corticobasal degeneration, positron emission tomography, [F-18]fluorodeoxyglucose, amyloid PET
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