Anticholinergic burden and cognitive performance: cross-sectional results from the ELSA-Brasil study

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Objectives Using multiple drugs with anticholinergic properties is common and might lead to cumulative anticholinergic toxicity and increased risk of cognitive impairment. Therefore, we sought to investigate the association between the Anticholinergic Cognitive Burden (ACB) Scale and cognitive performance among middle-aged and older adults. Methods In this cross-sectional study with 13,065 participants from the baseline visit of the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil), mean age was 51.7 +/- 9.0 years old, 55% women, and 53% white. The ACB was calculated based on the medications in use. We investigated the association of ACB with global cognition and memory, verbal fluency (VF), and trail-making test version B (TMT-B) z-scores, using multiple linear regression models adjusted for sociodemographic and clinical variables. Results Overall, 16% of participants had an ACB score greater than 0. ACB was associated with poor cognitive performance in all tests in crude analysis. After adjustment for sociodemographic characteristics, the association remained significant for the global cognitive score, as well as the memory and the TMT-B z-scores. However, after further adjustments for clinical variables, only trend associations of ACB with poor memory (beta = - 0.02, 95% Cl = - 0.05, 0.00, p = 0.056) and the TMT-B z-scores (beta = - 0.02, 95% Cl = - 0.04, 0.00, p = 0.054) were found. In stratified analyses by age groups, ACB was associated with poor cognitive performance on the TMT-B (beta = - 0.03, 95% Cl = - 0.05, - 0.01, p = 0.005) in individuals aged less than 65 years old. Conclusion Although the ACB was associated with poor executive function only among middle-aged adults in adjusted analysis, residual confounding may partly explain our results.
Anticholinergic burden, Cognition, Dementia, Drug utilization
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