(Fonte: Lattes)
Índice h a partir de 2011
Projetos de Pesquisa
Unidades Organizacionais
LIM/21 - Laboratório de Neuroimagem em Psiquiatria, Hospital das Clínicas, Faculdade de Medicina

Resultados de Busca

Agora exibindo 1 - 10 de 48
  • bookPart
    Tratamento dos transtornos de estresse pós-traumático na infância e na adolescência
    (2021) DORETTO, Victoria Fogaça; OTOCH, Luara Nagata; SCIVOLETTO, Sandra
  • bookPart
    Abuso e dependência de drogas
    (2014) SCIVOLETTO, Sandra; CHAIM, Tiffany
  • article 1 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Educação em psiquiatria do desenvolvimento: resultados preliminares em estudantes de graduação no Brasil
    (2011) MORAES, Erika Neves de Souza; SCIVOLETTO, Sandra; FOSSALUZA, Vitor; VIEIRA, Joaquim Edson; MIGUEL, Euripedes Constantino; ALVARENGA, Pedro Gomes de
    Background: Although knowledge on developmental psychiatry is fundamental for the early recognition, treatment, and prevention of mental disorders, this subject has not been incorporated into the medical curriculum or psychiatric practice in Brazil. Objective: To evaluate the effect of a short course on developmental psychiatry for undergraduate students and to expand education policies concerning developmental psychiatry in Brazil. Methods: Before and after attending an extracurricular 12-hour, 4-day course on the fundamentals of developmental psychiatry, undergraduate health sciences students were tested regarding their knowledge of the subject. The pre-test/post-test included 12 randomly selected multiple-choice questions designed to evaluate knowledge related to developmental psychiatry and was administered together with a questionnaire designed to evaluate students' attitudes. To compare performances between groups, nonparametric analyses of ordinal categorical data were employed. Results: The final sample comprised 43 students. The mean post-test score was significantly higher than the mean pre-test score (65.0% vs 39.9%; p < 0.0001). We found that strongly positive attitudes correlated with better performance. The 3rd and 4th year medical students performed better than the 1st and 2nd year medical students and the non-medical students. Sex differences favoring males were also observed. Conclusion: Our findings encourage additional educational policies related to developmental psychiatry which may result in direct clinical implications.
  • bookPart
    Transtorno de conduta
    (2015) SCIVOLETTO, Sandra; BOARATI, Miguel Angelo; MEDEIROS FILHO, Mauro Victor de
  • bookPart
    (2016) BOARATI, Miguel Angelo; SCIVOLETTO, Sandra; PANTANO, Telma
  • bookPart
    Transtorno opositivo desafiador
    (2015) MEDEIROS FILHO, Mauro Victor de; MARMORATO, Paulo Germano; SCIVOLETTO, Sandra
  • bookPart
    Particularidades da avaliação psiquiátrica de crianças e adolescentes
    (2014) SCIVOLETTO, Sandra; ANDRADE, Ênio Roberto de; BIONDO, Marcelo Marui
  • bookPart
    Transtornos relacionados ao trauma e ao estresse
    (2014) CORCHS, Felipe; BOTTINO, Sara Mota Borges; CUNHA, Paulo Jannuzzi; SCIVOLETTO, Sandra
  • article 9 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Community-based global health program for maltreated children and adolescents in Brazil: the equilibrium program
    (2015) MARQUES, Andrea Horvath; OLIVEIRA, Paula Approbato; SCOMPARINI, Luciana Burim; SILVA, Uiara Maria Rego e; SILVA, Angelica Cristine; DORETTO, Victoria; MEDEIROS FILHO, Mauro Victor de; SCIVOLETTO, Sandra
    The maltreatment of children and adolescents is a global public health problem that affects high- and low-middle income countries (""LMICs""). In the United States, around 1.2 million children suffer from abuse, while in LMICs, such as Brazil, these rates are much higher (an estimated 28 million children). Exposition to early environmental stress has been associated with suboptimal physical and brain development, persistent cognitive impairment, and behavioral problems. Studies have reported that children exposed to maltreatment are at high risk of behavioral problems, learning disabilities, communication and psychiatric disorders, and general clinical conditions, such as obesity and systemic inflammation later in life. The aim of this paper is to describe The Equilibrium Program (""TEP""), a community-based global health program implemented in Sao Paulo, Brazil to serve traumatized and neglected children and adolescents. We will describe and discuss TEP's implementation, highlighting its innovation aspects, research projects developed within the program as well as its population profile. Finally, we will discuss TEP's social impact, challenges, and limitations. The program's goal is to promote the social and family reintegration of maltreated children and adolescents through an interdisciplinary intervention program that provides multi-dimensional bio-psycho-social treatment integrated with the diverse services needed to meet the unique demands of this population. The program's cost effectiveness is being evaluated to support the development of more effective treatments and to expand similar programs in other areas of Brazil. Policy makers should encourage early evidence-based interventions for disadvantaged children to promote healthier psychosocial environments and provide them opportunities to become healthy and productive adults. This approach has already shown itself to be a cost-effective strategy to prevent disease and promote health.