Civil society and community social support initiatives for vulnerable groups in primary care center catchment areas: the role of the FHS during the pandemic

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ABRASCO - Brazilian Association of Collective Health
MENDONCA, Maria Helena Magalhaes de
SOARES, Mariangela Uhlmann
ALVES, Marcia Guimaraes de Mello
BOUSQUAT, Aylene Emilia Moraes
CIENCIA & SAUDE COLETIVA, v.28, n.12, p.3519-3531, 2023
Projetos de Pesquisa
Unidades Organizacionais
The pandemic highlighted new and old health risks that require health actions and social support. This study analyzed the knowledge of health professionals working in primary health care centers (PHCCs) regarding civil society and health service separately or along with health promotion and social support initiatives targeting vulnerable groups. The article begins by discussing the concept of social support and then goes on to present an analysis of empirical data from the multidimensional cross-sectional study ""Challenges facing primary health care in the response to COVID-19 in the SUS"", conducted using a nationally representative sample of PHCCs. Scores were calculated for selected and aggregated variables, and we calculated percentages for selected actions together with 95% confidence intervals at national and regional level. The percentage of PHCCs that supported actions and where the local community developed initiatives in the catchment area varied across regions, with rates being significantly higher in the Northeast and in non-urban municipalities with low MHDI, which was associated with actions developed in the catchment area by community health workers. The findings reveal several gaps and challenges, including the need to amplify the magnitude and scope of intra and intersectoral actions, strengthen ties between different actors, reverse the effects of the pandemic on health inequities and promote further research.
Key words Social support, Primary Health Care, Intersectorality, COVID-19, Pandemic
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